Claim Support, Complaint Resolution, Expert Testimony

Seismic Surveys provides credible expert support in addressing vibration complaints, allegations of damage, and ultimately preparation and testimony in the event a claim leads to litigation. Seismic Surveys is the credible expert you need in your camp to support your data in addressing neighbor concerns or defending against unwarranted claims.

Why are Vibration Damage Claim and Litigation Support Services Important?

Vibration and structure monitoring data are more than a commodity to check a box for regulatory or specification compliance. These services are really of value for liability protection in the defense of a claim (warranted or unwarranted) or multiple claims. Seismic Surveys competent Principals and Staff add credibility to the data you will rely on in the event of litigation. Our knowledgeable team assist our customers in addressing complaints, often times before the complaints escalate into a formal claim or litigation.

Pre-Construction Survey - Handsome Dan

How Do Vibration Damage Claim and Litigation Support Services Work?

While vibration complaints and claims are common, actual vibration damage is very rare. In the event of a vibration complaint or claim, Seismic Surveys Principal personnel are often engaged by the customer or their insurer to review pre-and post-construction survey documentation, vibration monitoring data, the nature of the claim, and other data that might be relevant to the complaint. The claim or complaint is documented with our standard Vibration Complaint Form.


A Seismic Surveys principal will either provide a desktop review of available data or will conduct a site visit to review and document the concern, then will prepare an opinion letter. The opinion letter will outline the allegations of the complaint or claim, present a summary of available data reviewed, compare data reviewed to accepted safe standards, and provide a conclusion on whether or not the complaint or claim is warranted.


Our principals are available to follow up with the complainant to review and discuss our findings. If the concerns cannot be resolved through this process, and a claim escalates to litigation, Seismic Surveys offers Expert Witness support for litigation preparation and testimony at trial.

Who We Serve

Seismic Surveys customers rely on the technical expertise and competence of our Principal personnel in addressing vibration complaints or claims with credibility and empathy. We are more than a data collection and reporting service. We stand behind the data we collect with leading technical experts in the field of vibration monitoring. Visit our applications page to learn more.

Civil Construction

Vibration and noise monitoring for civil construction projects to document effects transmitted to nearby structures.

Sensitive Structures

Vibration and noise monitoring for demolition, construction, and renovations in and around vibration-sensitive structures.

Marine Construction

Vibration and noise monitoring to document effects on third-party structures, people, and marine life.


Traffic vibration monitoring to assess the structural health of bridges and roadways and identify structural changes.


Vibration and overpressure monitoring for mining to document compliance and protect nearby structures.


Vibration and Noise Monitoring capturing and documenting the effects of vibrations generated during demolition processes.

Visit our applications page to learn more about how clients use our services.

Contact Us

Monitoring vibration and noice is an essential for maintaining compliance with project standards and minimizing unwarranted claims.
Contact us to set your project on a safe and successful path.